Accounting Principles: Defintions and Explanations

GAAP ensures companies generate clear, comprehensible and comparable financial data regardless of industry, status or affiliations. This means these companies’ financial statements must follow all the GAAP principles and meet GAAP standards. Any external party looking at a company’s financial records will be able to see that the company is GAAP compliant, making it […]

3 1 Describe Principles, Assumptions, and Concepts of Accounting and Their Relationship to Financial Statements Principles of Accounting, Volume 1: Financial Accounting

A long-term asset that will be used in a business (other than land) will be depreciated based on its cost. The cost will be reported on the balance sheet along with the amount of the asset’s accumulated depreciation. Further, the accumulated depreciation cannot exceed the asset’s cost. Because cost accounting often undervalues the assets on […]

Ways to pay your T-Mobile bill

However, the company only recorded transactions that resulted in a debit balance of $9,000 to the cash account. The difference of $1,000 is what would be journalized as an adjusting entry and posted to the cash account T-account. The major components of the balance sheet—assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity (SE)—can be reflected in a T-account after any […]

Full Charge Bookkeeper Job Description

This template is designed to encompass the essential roles and responsibilities that potential candidates seek. It sheds light on the soft skills and company culture fit that make your opening unique. To navigate these waters successfully, developing robust financial strategies is essential. Full-charge bookkeepers are critical in charting the course for business growth, and analyzing […]

Filing Form 990 for Nonprofits

Earned but unpaid incentive compensation can be deferred pursuant to a nonqualified deferred compensation plan. Part of net assets of a not-for-profit entity that is not subject to donor-imposed restrictions. A corporation or partnership is domestic if created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or of any […]